
Are you looking for a technique to reshape your body? Explore with us how liposuction can contour your body by removing persistent fat. This surgical approach is better than many other techniques. Discover the transformative possibilities with us today. Say goodbye to the fatty you and welcome a slimmer you with the liposuction in Muscat. 

Have a look below to understand more about it.

What is liposuction? 

It is also called the surgery for fat reduction or the term liposculpture. It involves a cosmetic process that helps to extract unwanted and excessive fat cells from specific body areas with the help of the suction device. This will provide a refined and sculpted shape. This surgery can be done on both genders women and men on the body parts such as :

  • Stomach 
  • Outer thighs 
  • Neck 
  • Calves
  • Back 
  • Chin 

Main goal: 

The main goal of this technique is to pull the stubborn fat that cannot go away with dieting and the exercising technique. Some people need clarification on liposuction with the weight loss process, it is not a process used to lose weight. In this surgery, the doctor cuts the tummy to remove the fat. 

Ideal candidate: 

The people who are suitable for this surgery are mentioned below in the bullets: 

  • People who want to accomplish the ideal weight 
  • Anyone who understands the procedure thoroughly 
  • If the person i the good health condition
  • A person who wants the perfect and healthy life 
  • People who have real expectations with the surgery 

Cost consideration: 

The cost of this surgery can vary between XXX to XXX

This is not a fixed cost and can fluctuate depending on many other elements such as the doctor’s expertise, location, treatment area, and anesthesia charges. 

Book us to get the fixed cost. 


The advantages of this surgery are written down: 

  • Provides long-lasting and permanent results 
  • Boosts the confidence in a person 
  • Treats the gynecomastia 
  • Increases the appearance 
  • Enhances the looks 
  • Addresses many medical conditions such as lymphedema 
  • Improves the overall well-being of a patient 


This surgery can be done in the office in one to two hours. the procedure is explained in the given steps: 

  1. Cleaning: At first, the doctor will clean the skin to minimize the infection causes 
  2. injection: The doctor will administer the anesthesia to reduce the pain feeling 
  3. Incision: After the anesthesia, the surgeon will make a small incision inside the specific part to remove the fat cells 
  4. Insertion: The doctor will insert the hollow tube to break the fat cells under the skin.
  5. Removal: They remove the fat by using a special suction device or vacuum to suck out the fat 
  6. Closing of an incision: The doctor will close the incision made by them after removing the fat they want to remove, 
  7. Bandage: After the stitches, the surgeon will apply a bandage to reduce the swelling. The bandage also helps to recover quickly. 
  8. Follow-up meetup: After the surgery is done, the doctor will ask you to visit him after some days.

How long will the results stay? 

The results from the surgery can stay for a permanent time, it is a permanent solution for a contoured body. The cells will not develop again. For constant results follow a healthy diet and a good lifestyle along with an exercise routine. 

It is recommended not to stop dieting after the surgery. 

Transform your body shape!

Are you interested in carving your body shape? Book us at La Clinica to get the shape you always wished for. You can meet our expert doctors in just a few minutes after clicking on the form provided at the end of the page. So, hurry up and get your consultation booked. 


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